Flour and starch research

The following are studies which I have conducted in the area of  flour and starch modification for baking functionality:

  • Dudu O E., Olurin T O, Ola O R., Dudu J W, Oyeyinka S A (2024). Techno-functional and baking properties of optimised heat-moisture treated acha flour. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 8(7), 1-14. 
  • Dudu, O.E., Ma, Y., Olurin, T O., Oyedeji, A B, Oyeyinka, S A, Ogungbemi, J W (2021), Changes in structural and functional characteristics of cassava flour by additive complexations stimulated by hydrothermal conditions. Food Bioscience, 101289. 
  •  Dudu O E, Ma Y, Olurin T O, Oyedeji A B, Oyeyinka S A, Ogungbemi J W (2021). Synergistic effect of hydrothermal and additive treatments on structural and functional characteristics of cassava starch. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 45 (11):. e1590. 

  • Dudu O E, Ma Y, Adelekan A, Oyedeji A B, Oyeyinka S A, Ogungbemi J W (2020). Bread-making potential of heat-moisture treated cassava flour-additive complexes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 130.  109477.
  • Dudu O E, Oyedeji A B, Oyeyinka S A, Ma Y (2019). Impact of steam-heat-moisture treatment on structural and functional properties of cassava flour and starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 126: 1056-1064.
  • Dudu O E, Li L, Oyedeji A B, Oyeyinka S A, Ma Y (2019). Structural and functional characteristics of optimised dry-heat-moisture treated cassava flour and starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 133, 1219-1227.

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